Water Reflections – Abstracts #125

Jez’s Water Water Everywhere #222
Lens-Artists Challenge #302: AI and Photography

The AI theme from the Lens Artists didn’t really appeal as I don’t enjoy getting an image created to requests, and seeing other posts, AI doesn’t do what they want.
In a way my WWE abstracts are AI creations, only I have full control of what I want. I don’t request for an image alteration, I decide what I would like to create. Most of my original photos are not in focus right from the click of the shutter.

Blending Blues

Mud Puddle

Drifting Green

Waves and Lines

A photo, an abstract (an abstract, a photo)

Lens-Artists Challenge #296: Abstract

Hi there,
You may know me from other challenges such as Jez’s Water, Water Everywhere and my water reflection creations 😁

My take on this challenge is, so what you will see is real or a representation of reality, as this old Wordless Wednesday. A small butterfly on a table, the background is green shade cloth.

My idea of abstracts may differ from others. I either take an abstract photo or create an abstract from my photos. Every now and then I’ll find a photo that’s not quite right as it is, so I’ll have a play and see what happens.

Other times, there may be a photo challenge and I’ll try something new

Here is a comparison, a photo of a white feather I saw floating in the air. Is a floating feather abstract enough by itself?
Or is creating something different from the original the abstract?

A bubble floating over a colourful piece of playground equipment. Abstract photo?
The original bubble was indistinct so a bit of enhancement on the left and some playing around making the photo more of an abstract.

Another abstract method is Intentional Camera Movement ICM
In this case, a round table in a garden

You may as well have a blurry butterfly too

Here is some abstract music from Brian Eno and Portsmouth Sinfonia, an group of people who don’t know how to play the instrument but do have musical training. Eno joined and was given a Clarinet