This post (a clean one)

RDP: Housework

Thought I would re-show some housework favourites from the past

Sometimes just put the broom down an do something else

Have many of you have taken a photo of the washing up?

Will you always find me in the kitchen

Common (but bronze of wing)

Bird of the Week: LXVII

Only a few more to go of the Doves and Pigeons in my photos I have to share. This week it the Common Bronzewing, Phaps chalcoptera, a pigeon who strolls through my place every now and then.

Common Bronzewings are medium-sized, heavily built pigeons. The male has a yellow-white forehead and pink breast. Both sexes have a clear white line below and around the eye and patches of green, blue and red in the wing, characteristic of all bronzewings.

Common Bronzewings are found in almost every habitat type, with the exception of the most barren areas and densest rainforests.
The Common Bronzewing feeds on seeds and other vegetable matter. The birds feed on the ground.
This is a female Bronzewing.

This is their call, quite pigeon like, but more baritone.


Common Bronzewings build an untidy nest of sticks and twigs. It is normally placed low down in a tree or bush, but may be up to 20 m above the ground. The creamy-white eggs are incubated by both parents. Both adults also share the care of the young birds, which are born naked and helpless and are completely dependent on their parents. Bronzewings, like other pigeons, secrete a special milk-like substance from their crop, which is fed to the young chicks.