Re-Living the Past – Three at the Birdbath

Mama Cormier’s: Thursday Trios

I was looking for some photos for this challenge, time and frustration lead me to thinking of sharing some photos from the past; the terracotta birdbath from 2019 and the Red-browed Firetail Finches from 2014

Two Yellow-faced Honeyeaters and a White-throated Treecreeper
Hey Tony, did you hear that?
Yeah! Where’s it coming from?
I don’t know. It’s not in the water, I’ve checked.
So have I.

It’s a mystery alright!

He he he (heard from below)

Two Silvereyes and a Red-browed Firetail Finch
Hey dudes, watch out, there’s that bloke with the camera again!

Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Eastern Spinebill and Red-browed Firetail Finch
Hey fellas, did you hear there’s a bloke with a camera skulking around, everyone act nonchalant

Red-browed Firetail Finches
Did you hear about Sharon?
Oh no, what the latest?
I’m not one to gossip at the birdbath, as you know.
Come off it Dennis, you are always spreading stuff about Shaz and Daz.
Shut up Shirl, I want to know. I’ve always fancied Darren

24 thoughts on “Re-Living the Past – Three at the Birdbath

  1. I always wanted to know what the conversation was at the birdbath – Thanks for sharing – but now I’m curious about Sharon!

    Glad they all acted nonchalant while that creepy stalker was about otherwise he wouldn’t have got such lovely shots.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Crystal. I did get carried away with bird conversations.
      Have a fab weekend too once your Friday has gone. My Saturday morning is filled with cloud and impending rain

      Liked by 1 person

        1. That sound like fun for sure.
          Yay, I went shopping for food, emptied the ash from the fireplace and split firewood – when too much fun is not enough 😁

          Liked by 1 person

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