A dwelling (with doors)

Dan’s Thursday Doors

I call this a dwelling. It seems as though someone resides in there. The green awning is rather flash, as is the one over the front door. Don’t think I would live that close to high voltage power lines.

Another cute awning to attract attention but wait, count the doors on this side

It’s a Country House

Feeling (visual texture)

CFFC: Things that are Rough

A piece of sandstone carved to fit roughly one hundred and fifty years ago.

The feel of a hessian coffee bean bag

Who would have though that one day I would find and use a photo of a bone on a wooden bridge with a rusty nut and washer. If you found that, wouldn’t you take a photo?

The old water tank. Used to be smooth galvanised tin

Your tyres are on the way

Some days are Rough and Rowdy Days
When upside down is inside out
You know you need some help

C’mon (it’ll be fun)

Words of Wisdom: Y24 #4

The Show was just in town

“Are you in the habit of taking tea with anyone who approaches you in a foreign port?” He went on and snorted carelessly. “No wonder you were abducted so easily.”
V.S. Carnes

There’s a bit of the Urban Spaceman in us all