A beginning (an end)

Lens-Artists Challenge: Day & Night

I am one of those many photographer bloggers who like to start a post with a sunrise and end at sunset. I see a few nodding heads. All of my Changing Seasons post are composed like that. It is almost time to have your Changing Seasons post ready.

Sunrise on a stormy morning at the beach

That is always a good time of day to take a stroll

Or maybe head off to somewhere unknown

Having lots of choices

Or just hang in the sun

Maybe catch up with family

Or find somewhere quiet to contemplate

While waiting for sunset

Enjoy the sunset with a friend

Or gather the flock and head off to find a great roosting tree

Maybe find somewhere to chill for the evening

Whatever you do, it is always spectacular

Just have to wait for our moon to shower us in moonbeams for a peaceful night

a bit of a night and day Melody by The Rolling Stones

44 thoughts on “A beginning (an end)

  1. I love every word of this and every photo you brought to make it a story. So many favorites- the crossing streets, the front, the wait for the sunset, the flock. Hard to believe February is this week.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, me too. That one slipped by me. One weekend in Nov. 1965 I saw Bob Dylan one night and the Stones another, at McCormick Place, since burned down and rebuilt. History.

        Liked by 1 person

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