Words of Wisdom – Y23 #12

Paulas Words of Wisdom: WOW Y23 #12

“Sunrise looks spectacular in the nature; sunrise looks spectacular in the photos; sunrise looks spectacular in our dreams; sunrise looks spectacular in the paintings, because it really is spectacular!”

– Mehmet Murat Ildan

Holiday red and green (Australian style)

#Sunday Stills Monthly Colour Challenge: Holiday Red and Green

Terri asked if at this time of year do you decorate your home or yard. Well
that’s a yes and no. I do have red and green decorations in my “yard” at this
time of year.

Want to see my red and green decorations? Maybe a bauble as well.

The bit of a dry spell followed by good rainfall has bought out the Bottlebrush
flowers. This particular plant has not flowered as much as this year. It does
have more pf a pinkish hue but is red enough.

The little miniature Bottlebrush has a god amount of flowers as well

These flowers are the second flush. Some of the huts are still hanging on

It really is a deep shade of red

Once the Bottlebrush flowers appear so do the Scarlet Honeyeaters.

Also Cee’s FOTD