Sometimes it’s hard………

……..being a Swallow

The Ragtag Daily Prompt Saturday: Swallow

There is always washing to be done,

after that drying in the sun,

invite friends over for some fun.

Say goodbye, a good time, one of the best

But now it’s onto building the nest

Yes that’s right, soft feathers we need

and soon it’s babies to feed

three fat babies crammed into the nest

sitting around and getting fed is the best

The day is over and we are quite spent
’tis wearying being a parent

A busy day tomorrow
so enjoy the morning
with the Welcome Swallow

28 thoughts on “Sometimes it’s hard………

  1. Aw, I love this. We once had swallows nest in our porch. Come rain or shine we had to leave the door open until they finally left in September. Eventually, we removed the nest and from then on we all remembered to keep the door closed in Spring.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue. My bestie has returning Swallows to her verandah. I said to knock down the mud as they build but she said that’s cruel, but still complains about the bird “residue” 🙂

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      1. My porch is just a few feet wide and the outside porch door prevents draughts ( British spelling of drafts)
        Lovely to see them, we let them nest through the summer and then removed it when we were certain they had gone. 🙂

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        1. You make me laugh Sue. I am British Australian English taught. Now I speak Australian English but the roots of language never will change too much. I even have draught excluders at my doors.
          Her verandah is quite wide and the previous owner encouraged them to nest. The mess under the nest is the worst. 🙂

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        2. I assumed that Australia reads/writes the British way as opposed to the American.

          British porches are often tiny and originally this one led to my old kitchen, somewhere to leave welliesand stop draughts. Since the renovations, it’s now my entrance to my new hallway and my side of the house. 🙂

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        3. Although a lot of American spelling is creeping in, some I don’t mind like program instead of programme.
          Do you still leave your wellies there? On my front verandah I leave my gum boots 🙂

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        4. I put a bag on my wellie to stop the spider from creeping in!
          I use both spellings. but in the correct way. Like you say Programme is the British English spelling and refers to an agenda or theatre programme. We use the other spelling of program to refer to computer code, and in this case both the British and American spellings are the same.

          I get annoyed when my son uses the word gotten, no such word in British English, so a teacher should not be using it.
          I don’t want us to lose our Britishness.
          The latest slang word to find its way from America is Insta instead of Instagram, how lazy is that. gets me so cross. The other day, I noticed a VERY mature lady blogger using it. Almost as bad as mutton dressed as lamb!

          Time to get off my soap box I think 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Oh yes the bastardisation of words gets to me as well….as does the spell check that wants me to put another letter than the one I use even though I try to have my spell checker as Aust English 🙂

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