Rather special

The Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #139: Special Moments

A few special moments to share.

A Wanderer Butterfly coming to rest on my besties hand for a while

Having help when I really needed it while working under my car

Having chickens hatch

Having a critically endangered Regent Honeyeater visit my garden

Taking a super bad photo of a very shy and almost rare (in my area) Regent Bowerbird. One quick photo and it was gone.

Having a Eastern Yellow Robin come and sit on the back of a chair while you are having a bite to eat in the garden. He came around often at my besties old place. We called him Bobbin

Finding a Nobbi Lizard at one of my favourite places, the Raspberry Lookout, after the fires of the Summer of 2019

Discovering a Hakea flurolenta on my place for the first time. I haven’t seen it since those fires but hope it may return in time.

Discovering the delights of Paris and Venice for the first time


30 thoughts on “Rather special

  1. I loved your comment about things you’d almost forgotten Brian. It’s one of the reasons I love photography. Your birds are so unique and unusual over there – lucky you!! I too hope your flower returns, and soon! Thanks for sharing these important moments with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ann-Christine. The most positive thing is that Hakea don’t mind being burnt, it is just the intensity and heat that will stop it from growing 🙂 🙂


  2. It’s a delightful world you live in, Brian. Fluffy chicks, an endangered bird (hope you can get him to stay and be pampered 🙂 ) and Bobbin! Fabulous! And there was me expecting Thursday’s Special.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jo. Sadly that was a fleeting visit so who knows where he ended up on his travels. It was a young male. Chooks fluffy bums are always a sight. Pick-a-word will be later I hope 🙂 🙂

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  3. Great photos, Brian and special moments all. Seems like I read something recently about the Regent Honeyeaters are forgetting their own songs and learning the songs of other birds instead. Kind of sad that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Nicole 🙂 That is where we like to stay in Paris. The Canal Saint Martin and around Goncourt, Belleville and close to Republique as so many roads radiate out from there.

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