15 thoughts on “A long stop for the Postie

    1. Yes quite well. Sporadic rain showers so more time inside, cleaning the pantry, a bit of tele and downloaded the latest version of my photo editor so tonight may be seeing the new features. How’s yours going Jo 🙂


      1. I wish I enjoyed playing with technology but I really don’t. Old stick in the mud me 🤣💕. Back to blue skies and 27. Done t’ai chi and fed himself. Just building up to the rest of the day. Watching Rafa later, of course. 🥰

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  1. Love how they are all individual in design . . . in Portugal they need to create a display of the same boxes all together so the postie can just stand in one place! And of course in the UK every house has its own letter box so the postie has to go up and down the lanes and drives!

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