Doing much (just hanging around)

John’s Cellpic Sunday

In South Grafton, the Flying Fox colony has moved in. I pity those whose houses are around them. They do smell a lot and if you forget to bring in the washing in the evening, be prepared to wash it again. There is constant squabbling and squeals too

A grey sky and the Flying Foxes in shadow, under the tree canopy, or what’s left of it. The colony will move on when the trees are just bare sticks, natures pruners.

42 thoughts on “Doing much (just hanging around)

      1. oh crikey that would have freaked me out!!

        It was bad enough seeing enormous spiders webs in the park. I thought if this can happen in the city . . . . .

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        1. I had a huge Golden Orb Weaver web near the compost, beautiful golden threaded web and a big girl waiting for a snack.
          I forgot about the web last week when I came from a different direction. I became the golden headed boy apologising profusely to the spider for ruining her already messy web 🕷️🕸️😮

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        2. 👍🥰
          I was more concerned for her as I didn’t want a big spider on me that seldom bites but might if frightened, not poisonous but the usual bad bite reactions can happen

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  1. Nice capture, Brian. I found myself on Google reading more about this species. All of the bats I’ve ever seen here in the United States are much smaller than the variety in your photo.

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      1. I image it would be when they take flight simultaneously, a little like when you see a flock of butterflies during their migration. I saw a small flock of Monarchs once while walking at a park … they blitzed by me in a flash of orange and black before I had time to grab the camera.

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    1. What a great read, I have micobats around the house all the time. I had to look for a roof leak the other nights storm and when I put a light on, I woke the little bats up and they flew around.
      I apologised and turned the light off. I didn’t find the leak

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