Striated Pardalote (a bird of note)

Birds of the Week: Invitation LXI

Striated Pardalote’s Pardalotus striatus are here. Not sure if it is a stop over or to check out their nest site. Breeding season is June to January

The Striated Pardalote is found throughout most of Australia, being absent only from the most arid areas. Like other species of pardalotes, it is found only in Australia.

Striated Pardalotes feed in the foliage in the tops of trees, although occasionally coming close to the ground in low shrubs. They eat a wide variety of insects and their larvae, which are usually captured by picking them from the surfaces of leaves. Feeding takes place in small groups and birds maintain contact with soft trills.

This is their repetitive call


During breeding season, Striated Pardalotes form pairs or small groups of up to six birds. The nest is constructed close to the ground, usually in a tree hollow or tunnel, excavated in an earthen bank; small openings in human-made objects are frequently used.
I have a small area near the house which was dug out years ago. The Pardalotes nest in the side of the bank.

Both sexes incubate and care for the young birds. Other members of the group may also help with the feeding of the young.


24 thoughts on “Striated Pardalote (a bird of note)

    1. Pardalotes are often in the tree tops need good telephoto or binoculars to spot them except when the come down to nest in their tunnel. They have a migratory one from Tasmania to the mainland but they mostly stay around the same area. My gullies and earth banks must make good nesting sites as I don’t have them here all the time.

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    1. Thanks Amy 😀
      I am trying to let people know what the birds sound like. Some birds are very distinctive like Kookaburras and are known almost worldwide. Others calls form their name like Whipbirds.
      I live in a wonderful place and am very lucky to do so, it is only right I share 😀


    1. I was so excited when I found one. I haven’t been over to see if they had been at the old nest hole. It’s too hard to set up the wildlife camera with a nest in the side of an earth bank 🙄

      Liked by 2 people

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