My numbers up #1 (123)

Judy’s Numbers Game #2: 123

This seemed hard for me at first especially as yesterdays numbers 9909 didn’t exist in my media files. But todays numbers are OK as I forgot that I also use numbers when I name my files, which in most cases is the date. So todays 123 is fine and there are a few photos to pick from.

There you go Judy, I’ll get some in

32 thoughts on “My numbers up #1 (123)

  1. I like them all! I can’t play. If I take the numbers my camera allots automatically, there are far too many. And my own numbering doesn’t work either. So, unfortunately, I’m out.

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      1. I’ll have another look. Maybe tonight. Today we’re off to a snake and desert zoo. I’ll take something to drink and have a sip every
        time the creature is Australian (just kidding).

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  2. My favorites in this collection are the hourglass as it is perfect for the newly minted year. I like the purple flower that is frayed around the edges – very different. I smiled seeing the joey in Mom Wallaby’s pouch – very sweet and I see how that big tail and hind legs could wreak havoc in the garden as you mentioned a while back.

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    1. Thank you Linda. I first found a Purple Fringe Lily on a bush walk and was entranced by it. Over the years I saw one or two here in National Parks and Coastal Reserves. A couple of years ago I was walking on my place and found a big patch, maybe 20 or 39 square yards in a place I have never seen them before and it is near a regular track.

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  3. Fun game! I like your photos a lot, especially the frilly purple flower. I’m trying to take part, hope I’ve been doing it right. Some have asked for a word instead of a number, though. 🙂

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    1. Thanks Barbara, I had fun do a quick sort and just picked a few otherwise it would have been too big of a post.
      I was the spoilt sport who wanted a word as I didn’t think I could take part until I remembered that I also use the date in my filing system. I am sure Judy will be pulling her hair out hosting and trying to have “rules” 😂

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