Dinner Time – a story from a while ago

A Re-blog of a post from 2017 which I though of when I saw the Photo a Week Challenge: Tasty Treat

It was late in the afternoon when I heard a Kookaburra ruckus. The usual cackling but also the sound of a young Kookaburra trying to make the adult sounds. It became a raspy sound of a young bird making demands of its parents. Here is a short photo story of the Kookaburras at dinner time.

“Hey Mum, What’s Dad doing down there?”


Just then Dad flew up into the tree with a stick. No its not, it is a Stick Insect.


A bit of adjusting to make sure  the Stick Insect didn’t fall again as it did once before.


“Here you go young one……catch”


“Thanks Dad. This looks like a good dinner.”


“I’m not sure if I should let go. What should I do?”


“OK. Here goes. Down the hatch!”


Dad basks in the glow of the afternoon sun, another lesson and dinner over for the evening.


PS I did feel sorry for the Stick Insect as there aren’t as many around as there were years ago. This series of photos were taken from my veranda. Do you see birds feeding around your place?

23 thoughts on “Dinner Time – a story from a while ago

      1. very true – we have had a couple of ‘new’ birds appear this week in our garden, and we have had great fun observing and photographing them

        * new as in, not been seen for years in the garden!

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  1. Funny, I’ve heard of Kookaburras before, but didn’t know they are birds! Silly me, I’ll blame it on that I’m from Wisconsin and we don’t see those birds in our neck of the woods. We do see birds feeding their young, we watch them from our deck. And we do have walking sticks here. Your story was delightful – thanks for sharing (resharing!).

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