
Cee’s fun foto challenge Winter – Water

Looking through my photos, my winter photos don’t really reflect winter at all. I guess winter here isn’t the same elsewhere. I don’t get snow, only two or three frosty days and it rarely gets to 0 degrees. So I am just doing water for this challenge.

I like to photograph water especially when there are interesting reflections on the waters surface.

water reflections01_burano_named_oct 2015

The sunset adds to the wonderful colours.


The ripples and colours make a certain mysterious affect.


And sometimes a ghostly visage makes an appearance

ghost face_named_grafton_august 2015

Late afternoon on a cloudy day and a bit of a breeze with water lilies covering the water surface

170426_water_water lilies

Every now and then the part of Australia I live in has floods. The Clarence River can be spectacular when the floodwaters come. This is the River gauge showing how high the water rises.

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Here are what some buildings look like. This is the tower on top of the boat shed.

170426_water_grafton flood_boat shed tower

At least it is dry in the pub

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Here are the steps going up to the pub when the water isn’t covering them. The bottom of the steps are about 1 meter above normal river level.

170426_water_grafton_crown hotel

This what the Clarence River looks like near my place many kilometers upstream

170426_water_grafton flood_lilydale

The floodwaters empty into the ocean creating foam that washes onto the beaches and rocks.

170426_water_beach foam


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