Which Way August 1

Go for a look to see what others have posted for their Which Way

We often go to Evans Head to go to the beach. Chinamans Beach is our favourite and this is how you get there.
The beach is in the distance190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach1


Through the paperbarks190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach2
Down we go190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach3
Almost there190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach4
Just one more corner to go190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach5
Fabulous, we are at the beach among the Pandanus190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach6
Time for home190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach7
Yes it is uphill all the way Fair dinkum 190801_blog_challenge_which_way_evans_head_walkway_beach8

Which Way May 30 – Driving Home

Driving home for Which Way

I was driving home the other day and stopped at road works. I thought I would try and get some of the works in action. From there it has become part of my drive home from town, the last twenty kilometers or so. Sit back and enjoy the drive.
Getting the job done190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home2
The water truck which is responsible, and the oncoming traffic, for the state of the windscreen190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home3
Looking back190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home4
The top of the hill and the straight stretch to the west and home190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home5
This part of the highway was reconstructed a few years ago. In the distance is Bakers Hill, a local name. The Baker family owned all the land both sides of the highway early last century. The geographical name is Mt Ramornie. It is not what people from overseas would call a mountain.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home6
The road up Bakers Hill.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home7

and down the other side
Heading over the hill into the valley where my place is.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home9

The last creek crossing, not far now.
Onto the gravel road. It’s a bit rough as the road only gets graded and repaired once a year so make sure your dentures don’t fall out, tighten your bra straps and seat belt.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home012
The last bit before turning into my road. It’s a bit narrow so I hope we don’t meet a logging truck, cattle carrier, gravel truck or any other big vehicle.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home013

Well that’s it. The rest of the photos were of the blobs of dirt on the windscreen and into the sun. My blog header gets us in the gate.

Hope you enjoyed the ride home. Perhaps a tea or coffee and some cake or it could be wine time and snacks.

The late Alvin Lee and Ten Years After blowing away the folk at Woodstock

Which Way May 9 On the way to Coaldale

It’s time for a Which Way

My daughter lives on the other side of the Clarence River from my place so it’s a enjoyable drive to go and see her. Come for a drive with me to Coaldale.
Some of the roads are long and straight




There are a few twists and turns190509_blog_challenge_which_way_coaldale4


and some roads go past a pub190509_blog_challenge_which_way_coaldale6

Enjoy this live version. It’s OK to get up and boogie