Re-Living the Past #26 – My First Red Photos

Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge: Red

This has been an ongoing series of looking back at some of my very first photos I posted. I wonder what the age range will be for “red things” I was surprised I hadn’t covered “red” thing before as I have most other colours.

I just did a search for red and the first in August 2013 were some red berries

It was a wet year and fungi of all sorts popped up. Tiny red ones were a treat

Dianthus are one of my favourite flowers

A close look at a Nasturtium

A red lily? of some sort

A red Hibiscus, one of the many in the garden

A Robyn Gordon grevillea flower that was first posted in August 2015

Honorable mention for not being totally red but have a red name, Red-browed Firetail Finch from 2014

and a Red Skimmer Dragonfly from 2015

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