Lets look at spiders

Denzils NPC #29: Spiders and their webs

Another great subject and those who know what I post does on occasion contain a spider or two. I think I’ll be gentle and ease those of a certain disposition to our wonderful eight legged friends into this post with a few spider webs. If you feel like backing out, you can at the end of these photos of one of natures talented artists section.

Webs are good for converting to B&W

The “I’m too tired to finish” web

Early morning bejewelled by early morning dew

Glowing in the morning sun

Natures necklace of pearls

The practical side of webs

Spiders webs can be big or small. A tiny web in a chicken wire fence that has 25mm (1 inch) spaces complete with one of those frightful spiders – sorry

The colours of a web that we don’t usually notice. Again sorry for the inclusion of a scary spider

A message from the spiders to everyone. Show some love

This is where those who decided to forge on, continue, the others can return to their sterile environment.


Spiders are one of natures natural predators who can rid your environment of annoying insects like flies, mosquitos and cockroaches. Do not use pesticides that harm our environment by removing the beneficial insects that spiders may feed on and also kill spiders. Look for other methods to reduce spiders that can curtail your fear please.

OK For those who are still with me, lets look at spiders. I don’t have a good knowledge of names so only a few are labeled

I thought I would start with a big spider, a Golden Orb Weaver. I don’t have a good photo of the golden web which is very strong. Not much fun to walk into as it is quite sticky.

I have lots of different jumping spiders. They jump rather than stroll about. They don’t build webs, they rely on unsuspecting insects come come past.

The same with Crab Spiders

Those long front legs of a Tmarus angulatus possibly

Don’t know the name of this fast moving spider

This is my public service announcement. Wear gloves when gardening. You may run into a Mouse Spider who would be less than impressed when disturbed. They are venomous but bites are rare.

I had to include my bad photo of a rapid Bird-dropping Spider

Another unknown spider looking it’s best on a daisy

The Night Spider, Araneus andrewsi, who build a web of a night and take most of it down during the day except for a few threads where the web is anchored. This spider is having a sleep after a big night.

Night Spiders are spectacularly hairy

Jewel Spiders are also known as Six Spined Spider, Christmas Spiders and Spiny Spiders. It is 12mm of fear with its six pointed decorate spines

Everyone knows St Andrews Cross Spiders. This one has lunch wrapped up

Spiders in the house as insect controllers. Huntsman Spiders are big, hairy, fearsome looking gentle giants. Yep, it’s bigger than my hand. They are shy and I couldn’t get it to sit on my hand for a photo.

You can find Huntsman spiders in the most unusual places as they find a safe place to hide during the day. Outside it would be a good spot under bark.

One of my favourite spider songs The Spider and the Fly by The Stones