One easy turn for mankind

Ludwigs Artifacts – September 2023

Here’s what this challenge is about:-
“The “Artifacts Challenge” finds items, big and small, around us that make our modern life possible. Some are well known, others may be quite obscure. The challenge calls on you to find and photograph one of these items and publish it in the second half of each month. You need not identify the item – some may be quite unknown. Tag the post “Artifacts”.”

Going up, going down

CWWC: Any type of Step or Stairs

Going up the shiny chrome stairs

Going down the new stairs at the art gallery Kyogle

It pays not to be tired after a day at the beach

What is a round the corner. Going past some rugs and a hammock filled
with cushions. Three guesses what the scent is, getting slightly stronger
as you get closer to the entrance.

Going up or going down