No apples, but red

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Apple Red Colours

I had to go to town early this morning so I had a chance for a quick walk around after having breakfast. Keeping my eyes out for some apple reds The first thing I saw was this car parked across the road from the cafe. There three other red cars in the street but this one had a red that was hard to replicate with a camera.

Further down the street, on the way back to pick up my car, I saw the part of a street that has Poinciana trees instead of the usual Jacarandas. This splash of red just after the purple was delightful to see.

The worse thing was I went into the Green Grocers but didn’t take a camera.Didn’t even think of red apples either 🙄🤪

13 thoughts on “No apples, but red

  1. Many years ago, when my kids were little, I had a red station wagon. Everyone knew my car and I could not go anywhere without a friend of mine coming up to me and saying, “Hey, I saw your car at **name that location.** Thankfully, now my car is silver. Everyone and their mother has a silver car, so I drive around blissfully incognito. 🚗

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