Fridays Follies- The Final Episode

Yes folks this is the last Fridays Follies

As this will be my last post for Fridays Follies, I thought I better do a final of the ones that hadn’t made it onto Fridays Follies over the years. I hope you enjoy the slide show

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Pick your favourite and let me know.

Thanks Jason for being a great host for this challenge. I have so much fun finding signs that made me laugh and hope everyone has had as much enjoyment as I have posting them.


Fridays Follies Season 5 Episode 7 – you were warned

Hang on to your sides as it is time for Fridays Follies


It is on a sad note I write this post. This is the second last sign post for Fridays Follies as Jason has decided that the next weeks Fridays Follies will be the last. So prepare yourselves for an avalanche of signs I have found for Fridays Follies next week.
