A warm start (in December last year)

Hammad’s Weekend Sky #128

I found this photo in my folder of unused Weekend Sky photos from last year and thought it deserved a run. The start to a very warm December day after the early rains had gone.

17 thoughts on “A warm start (in December last year)

      1. I need to get out and get a sunset Brian – Terri has another sunrise/sunset challenge in two weeks. Sun pics in the neighborhood aren’t great and I’m not fond of going out before dawn or after dusk anymore due to crime.

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        1. Yes, it is and it hasn’t always been like this, just the past few years that crime has gotten bad. I never thought twice about coming home late by myself after meeting up with friends, or going to/coming home from work in Winter when it was pitch dark when I still worked on site – it is different and strange times we live in now.

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