One day at the bird bath (Lori is back)

Debbies One Word Sunday

Some of you may remember other stories of the adventures that Lori the Rainbow Lorikeet has had over the years.
A while ago Lori and his best mate Carl dropped into the bird bath for a bit of a quiet drink in the morning before heading off to get a bite to eat.

Here is what happened that morning.

Hey Carl, this looks like good bird bath, it has ambience. Just the place for a quiet drink before breakfast.
I thought you would like this one Lori. I came here with the gang a few weeks ago and had a great time. The water is really good and clean.

Hey Carl, watch out, I don’t feel like a bath. I just wanted a drink. Don’t splash please.

Cut it out Carl, you did that on purpose. Now I have water in my eyes.

C’mon, just get out and we’ll go and find something to eat.

Now isn’t that better. Let’s sit in the sun for a while. You better dry off a bit before we get going. I don’t know how you do it Carl, that water looked so cold.
It’s easy, after a while you don’t notice.

Carl you idiot. What are you doing?

Oh come on! Enough is enough. Slow down with that splashing!

I’ll show you. How do you like a bit of a splashing Carl!
Good fun Lori, but you’re standing on my tail.
Sorry Carl. We better get out. I’m getting hungry.

*thinks, giving the side-eye Sorry my ass, Lori did that on purpose
Lori, trying hard not to snigger.

Even after a morning like that they are still mates, still kidding around. I hope you enjoyed a bit of a splash around with Lori and Carl.

37 thoughts on “One day at the bird bath (Lori is back)

  1. Lori and Carl are hilarious, Brian! All birds act the same around the birdbaths. I cleaned our cement birdbaths a couple of days ago and I swear a robin was watching and waiting. As soon as it was full and I walked away, he flew in and splashed half the water out of the bath. These are some great shots and fun to read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Terri. Happy you enjoyed the words and photos. I have to do the birdbath round today to clean and fill. They sure know how to empty a bird bath no matter the size 🙄

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  2. The dialogue is as funny as the looks on their faces Brian. What bird doesn’t love a bath? A friend sent me a photo of her backyard sprinkler being on and a hummingbird going in and out of it, delighting in the spray.

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