I’ll share

The Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Property

In the shop
was a dog.
In the shop
was a dog
with a ball.
In the shop
was a dog
with a ball
who liked to play.
In the shop
was a dog
with a ball
who liked to play
he would never stop.
In the shop
was a dog
with a ball
who liked to play
he would never stop
didn’t matter
if you left.
In the shop
was a dog
with a ball
who liked to play
he would never stop
didn’t matter
if you left
another customer
will come along.

An old photo I know but it’s late and this photo came to mind and now I have added words so it’s different except for the dog, that’s the same old photo I posted before

26 thoughts on “I’ll share

      1. They have rule – This is what we do. Unfortunately our Beagle was unable to read the rule book. He pretends to chase sticks and balls just to please us, but fetching back eludes him! Perhaps we should throw game birds or foxes, he might understand that!

        Liked by 2 people

      1. For me it is usually baseballs, I live across from a collegiate level baseball field…in fact I, nor the dog, can be in the yard when a game is on, never know when you’ll get a foul ball!

        Liked by 1 person

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