A truck from the past

Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge: Keepsakes

I wrote this a while ago and as the prompt made me remember this post of my old truck, so I am doing a bit of recycling, but have changed it from the original a bit.

I had a truck
it was a big truck
I was a small child
I would ride around on my truck
my mother said
I still have my truck
it’s made of pressed metal
the driver still sits proud
old and worn
but will always be loved

Boomaroo is an amalgamation of Boomerang and and Kangaroo. This one is from around 1955 or 1958. The trucks were made from 1955 to 1960. There is a similar one for sale on e-bay for $900

This is the information from the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney about my truck

“They may sometimes lack the design, finish and motion of fine imported tin toys, but they were sturdy enough for rough treatment in Aussie backyards and sandpits.

The significance of these Australian-made Boomaroo toys lies not just in their amusing appearance or how the evoke the remembered pleasures of childhood play. They can speak to us about the experience of being an Australian child in the mid-twentieth century, revealing how children are socialised, and how the young became targeted as a consumer market. Most toys mimic the adult world, and looking at them can tell us something about how this world has changed. Changes in technology and the availability raw materials can be traced in the changing methods of toymaking. By 1954, for example, Boomaroo was able to use steel in the manufacture of toys, something that would have been unthinkable ten years earlier during wartime.”
From https://collection.maas.museum/object/41427

31 thoughts on “A truck from the past

  1. Wow. I don’t have anything left from my childhood, and what you say here about what they WOULD say about the world I grew up in (mid 20th century) is true. I gave my last remaining childhood doll to my step-granddaughter when she was 1.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Most of my toys went to less fortunate families. I still have a few though. Some are worth quite a bit of money now, not a fortune but much more than original purchase price in the 50’s and 60’s

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I like your truck. I liked playing with the Tonka Toy line of dump trucks and cranes. Thanks for sharing. A perfect match for our challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I get that. After umpteen moves, I have very little left from childhood. But I still have a small paperweight of the Flying Scotsman that belonged to my father …I always liked it,, and I have it now

        Liked by 1 person

    1. My curiosity made me try to find some information. I was surprised to find out that there were other trucks in the Museum 🙂


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