Many conversations

The Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Conversation

A few days ago I was at the New South Wales Landcare Meeting with around 130 other Landcare people from every part of NSW. Over three days many conversations were had and information exchanged.

This is about half of the people who had travelled to Dubbo. The drive from my place took almost eight hours. How many conversations do you think were happening in this photo?

15 thoughts on “Many conversations

  1. Difficult one as many of them appear to be sat silently.
    Could be some sort of seminar, perhaps they’ve just arrived and no one has broken the ice yet. On the other hand, the women don’t appear to be very well dressed so that rules out a business meeting. 🙂

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    1. Actually there was quite a buzz of conversations going on. Landcare is all business but as a grassroots organisation there isn’t much formality. Some of the women even had work boots on. T-shirts and jeans and boots are the uniforms. That was the last session of the second day. Not only had the ice been broken but the wine no longer needed the ice 🙂

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  2. Not sure how I missed a chunk of your introductory text to this photo! Just now read it properly.
    I didn’t mean the women were dressed scruffily, just more casual, as in not wearing business suits. 🙂

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        1. That’s right. Our Landcare group’s shirts are black with green piping and the other is a bright green polo shirt.
          The woman drinking at the back of the front table is my co-ordinator but you can just see the edge of her collar which is similar to the lanyard material

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  3. Looks like rather a lot of conversation, and strange not to see masks. How the world changes! I like the song choice too. Haven’t heard that one in ages.

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