Day and night

The 2020 Photo Challenge #21

This week's assignment - Use strong backlighting (i.e. shooting towards the light source, but do not look directly at the sun) to create a contre-jour image where the subject becomes a silhouette, OR shoot the light through flowers or leaves creating a transparent effect.

One for using the sun

One for using the Moon

and lets go inside too. I think black and white works better for this scene

and showing the structure of leaves

The Seeker Part 1

This was written a long while ago and this is one of nine posts. I am re-blogging this in response to Sue’s Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Story

If you would like to read more just put in The Seeker into my search and the other parts of the story should appear.

…..was many an age ago when the world was new, I emerged from the primal ooze……gazing about the landscape……..looking for the outside as I was still inside even in a world so vast so full, I was still inside.

Days past and the wanderings upon the earth had seen me dry, and wet, as the sun sometimes hid behind thunderous black clouds………the silver rain pelted upon my naked body leaving streaks down my body as the now dry and almost baked on ooze slowly washed away…….and now I shall emerge once again, sun glistening on my skin………washed clean during the storms.

Gathering sticks, I constructed as shelter and a place to hold a fire as the nights were becoming chill and I longed for the warmth.

What manner of a world where I can walk all day, the horizon is further away and I am still inside?

….again……….where I came from is a blur……….I dream at night when I think of there…….a way away.

Sitting on the rock at the mouth of the cave I found………warmth and safety and also dry…… skin feels well healed after the mud was washed, now skin, with a light dusting from the cave floor, a reddish colour.

What is near the horizon…………as I climb, the horizon seems to get further away.  What drives me to seek what is out there? Why is whatever I am looking for, never seem to be close?

As I stay at this cave hoping that the water that falls from those clouds…..dark smudges on an orange and yellow sky, will one day cease in that I may continue my journey.

Looking each day, scanning the landscape for a sign of difference that may become the familiar………….if what I seek exists of course!!

…strange spaces………..they appear. Shapes of what I don’t know. Just above the horizon when the sun is at angle and light seems to bounce.

I keep walking to the horizon and to what I believe to be outside. My renewed body is once again streaked with ash and dust. Water is always near but not enough to be able to wash the dust of the past………….the clouds have seemed to have gone…….except for the occasional white fluffy ones that travel far too fast for what I am used to…..I wish they would stop and give some shelter from the sun.

I am not looking at the spaces that appear any more. I believe that they will distract me and I may end up walking over the same ground…………..not getting to the distance that is a way away.

……the landscape is changing…..the dry dusty plains, where the stunted trees and sparsely leafed shrubs grew on whatever moisture became available.

I moved slowly…….going from shaded patch to shaded patch……resting as my body grew weary and thirst demanded a drink.

Looking upward……the dome glistened but the sun was relentless….hot…dry almost baking the ground on which I walked…… eyes, tracking down the surface of the dome, saw, in the distance, a reflection of deep green…but still there wasn’t a join when I looked to the horizon.

Noting the landscape where I was, I started to head towards the patch of deep green……..hoping I would find solace from the drying heat.

Again, clouds swept across the sky, not staying to give relief…..I noted that the clouds always seemed to travel in the one direction…… I moved with the clouds, being mindful of the markers in the landscape when I first saw the deep green reflection on the dome.

The first marker, a dark shadow, looked not far away…….I could make it there before the sun lowered in the sky and changed the identity of the marker. As I walked I thought of what the shadow might be……would I find anything that may be something that would be for my benefit.

The flat hard stony ground began to slightly slope upwards with the dark shadow becoming bigger……I now could see the land had risen but not like the hills I left behind, more of a gentle slope with a mound like shape with the dark shadow smudged across its face.

Delicate colours

The Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #98: Delicate Colours

Sorry for the haphazard photos. Yes the block editor has me going grrrr……Adding multiple photos as individual photos will be the end of especially when it comes to my mo9nthly wrap-up. Oh well it will get easier and I will persevere. I might try to add a song