It’s wire (it’s a horse)

RDP Friday: Sculpture

I have been lucky with the photo challenge prompts this week following my road trip to see the Clydesdale horses.
This sculpture is on the road into Boonah, a small town in Queensland where the Clydesdale Spectacular is held every year.
It is called Clydebuilt by the artist Andrew Scott installed in 2003

43 thoughts on “It’s wire (it’s a horse)

    1. Thanks Sue. It was two days of all things Clydesdale horses. I took hundreds of photos, actually 461 over the six days I was away lol
      I am sorting and will do a post later hopefullly

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  1. Clydesdale is an odd name for a horse breed. It sounds more likely to be a type of cheese or a small town in Alabama. They should have named it something like ‘Triplehorse’ or ‘Majestic Featherfoot’, highlighting their impressive size and strength and referencing their distinctive feathering around the hooves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. They are a Scottish breed
      “The Clydesdale Horse is the pride of Scotland and is a native breed which was founded in Lanarkshire, Clydesdale being the old name for the district.”
      I love their hairy hooves

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