My numbers up #22

Judy’s Numbers Game

Todays number is 144. What photos will I find? As usual Judy’s number doesn’t yield many photos from my media folder but lets see and if nothing appears I’ll switch the numbers around to 414. Fingers crossed

I found an initial 144 lot, and a few 414’s. There’s a couple of photos from Becky’s Square format photo challenges. The latest, #SquaresRenew will be over on Friday 31st.

A Double Delight Rose I think

This is a phone photo at a friends place

A lovely patch of light on moss

Heading to the same friends place

Another from Becky’s Squares

Looking across Rocky Creek Dam, another phone photo

There was even a sunset sequence

Now for a couple of everyones favourites

29 thoughts on “My numbers up #22

        1. Kind Square was the easy one 😂
          Flowers, I forgot about that square
          Light yes that’s it
          The smoky chimney has me baffled. I remember that because you commented that a smoky chimney would be an outrage in England. Is that the Top square?

          Liked by 1 person

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