38 thoughts on “There was one (it’s there somewhere)

  1. Great photo, Brian. I saw the comment about the roof still being intact, and gave a little snort. When I bought this house, the roof needed repair. I opted for paying nearly double the cost to get a metal roof (and never have to worry about the shingles blowing away with all the high wind here). I also was letting a friend’s husband do the work… (keeping the money in the friend/family). He pointed out that the roof would outlive me. Nice…

    Have a great weekend. Hugs.

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      1. 😳 spiders 😳 snakes???!!! YIKES … there’s nothing like that in the concrete city of Brooklyn where I was raised. Now, my home in Florida, has some really big spiders I stay far away from. We had a small black snake in the pool once. He was a feisty one. 😀

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  2. I agree with Suzette. There is something appealing about this place. But your shed photos are often my favourites anyway, so it might be my personality.

    sorry I haven’t been commenting for a while. I’ve been away from home often, and though I bring my computer, I usually don’t feel inspired to open it up, haha. But do know I’m out here thinking of you and hoping you are well.

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