We’re off (with a bang)

Beckys #SquaresRenew
Weekly Prompts Wednesday Prompt: Regret
CFFC: Locks, Keys, Knobs and Handles

Hey what better way to start celebrating the return of Squares with some triple dipping.
First of all I’ll start with saying if you don’t join in #SquaresRenew you’ll be missing out on lots of fun, plus a chance to think about all sorts of things. In short, you’ll REGRET not joining in.

I’d tell you all about it but why not go and find out what Becky would like to see. Just remember either take your photo in 1:1 format or square the others. You don’t want Becky to go tsk tsk or you may REGRET it.

At times replacing something a bit worn and needs renewing is a way to feel good

At other times being looked after makes it easy to look forward but still retain your patina

Doors may open but sometimes you have to give the doorknob a gentle turn to peek inside

Or why not add some colour to your life, a splash here and there can make all the difference

Maybe take a holiday and explore the old and cruise through the days. I like Paris Autumn

Most of all after finding what you need to feel renewed, the key is in the front door.
The door is always open too when you need to feel the comforts of home if it seems dark outside.

and I managed to get all of Cee’s suggestions in locks, keys, knobs and handles plus squared and I have no REGRET posting 😁

I thought maybe being the first post of the @SquaresRenew this is the song

55 thoughts on “We’re off (with a bang)

        1. O dear. It took ages to get our friend to get hearing aides. Last time they were here she wasn’t wearing them. We wanted to watch a movie and had to have it so loud 🙄


        2. It is so hard. Mum hates going out to restaurants as she finds it so difficult these days, and also struggles when there are more than two people. When it is just the two of us it isn’t too bad, but I do need to speak much louder than I would normally

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  1. Thank you for this timely reminder to Square with Becky. I was looking forward to joining in, but when May 1 rolled around, I didn’t even remember till I saw your post!

    I love your reflection on opening doors … we are required to turn the knob!

    Liked by 1 person

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