An early adventure

The Friendly Friday Photo Challenge: Meet….

I was on my first foray into the world outside of Australia. After realising what I wanted was rather expensive I settled for a bus tour. I flew with Korean Air and I was amazed at the service and food. There were a group of people going to one of the Korean Air Hotels and waited for the bus to take us. As we got into the elevator something funny happened to someone and I looked at this woman and we both could hardly contain laughing.

The next day a bus took people back to the airport. Boarded a plane to Madrid and it had a stop over in Amsterdam to refuel. I over heard a conversation about going on a tour. Once in Madrid I introduced myself and said I am on the same tour. We headed off to get the bus to the hotel to wait for the tour to start. More smiles as we sat in what we called, the Nana Bus.

Meet Kerri and Joerg

WE roamed the streets of Madrid with no special plan and headed off to explore what we could find. Didn’t go into the Prada, I went there next time, we just enjoyed what we found sometimes the same thing twice! Hence we were Chaos Tours.

There was always laughs and fun in the bus as there were lots more under thirties than oldies. I wasn’t cool enough for the back seat or fuddy duddy enough for up front.

There were really helpful for me to get my head around another world as we went from Madrid to Granda, along the Mediterranean – Southern France, Nice, Avignon up to Northern Italy, Florence, Venice – everyone on the tour went on guided tours in Pisa. Kerri, Joerg and I found a great little place and had a pizza in Pisa, one of the best I have had. Then Croatia, Rovinj in a resort and Split was amazing, a quick overnight in Ljubljana, Slovenia and onto Vienna.

Kerri and Joerg left the tour in Rome. I am so glad we clicked and are really special to me. We still email and FB message, the occasional phone call. I have used Kerri and Joerg in a previous challenges.

29 thoughts on “An early adventure

    1. It did especially working out how to get from the airport to the hotel in Madrid. We did have a bit of trouble as they were working on the airport so it wasn’t straight forward. I would have been at a loss.


  1. It is so fun to travel with folks that we click with – and enjoyed hearing a little bit about that fun travel adventure (with pizza in Pisa) and it is nice that you still keep in touch with those two 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How lovely that you had good company in Europe. The way you describe your hopping around left me rather speechless. From Rovinj to Split I had to hitchhike one full day, and you do it in half a sentence. 😉 The last photo is pretty special. You didn’t take that one, or yes?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Manja. They did make the tour special for me. Rovinj to Split is quick in a bus that even had a stop somewhere as well for a toilet break as the toilet on the bus was broken (or so they said) Yes I did take the photo at their wedding 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I found this by chance, via a tweet from Manja, and I’m glad that I did 🙂 As I explained in my post when setting the challenge (, pingbacks don’t usually work on my site, so if you join in again it would be helpful if you could leave a comment with a link. I wouldn’t want to miss an interesting contribution like this. It’s great that you hooked up with such congenial travelling companions on your first visit to Europe, and even more so that you’ve kept in touch!

    Liked by 2 people

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