I joined those who went up to Barcelona

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge: #SquareUp

So many people have looked up to Antoni Gaudi posting images of the wonderful Segrada Familia that I couldn’t not join in. I have been there twice and from the first time, a dusty plastic covered workplace to am amazing inside space with so much going on it’s hard to stop taking photos.

Enjoy a bit of a song as you have a look around

Let’s go up Barcelona to the Sagrada. First stop is looking up to the stained glass window of a huge variety of colours and hues

The stained glass windows reflect colour all throughout the building – on the columns, walls and floor.

Looking up to the ceiling is a treat for the eyes. The organic feel of the Sagrada is never more evident than in those tree like columns reaching up to the stars

32 thoughts on “I joined those who went up to Barcelona

    1. Ever so good. Park Guell is a wonder to walk around. came around a corner and there was a Flamenco Dancer on a piece of ply red dress twirling, feet stamping, hands clapping….wonderful 🙂 🙂


  1. Oh these are fabulous Brian. I think I’m going to be one of the few not to share any Barcelona squares – I’ve never visited! Thank goodness I can enjoy vicariously 🙂

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