Hop on (the last ride)

XingfuMama’s Pull Up A Seat Photo Challenge: Week 23

The last of the show rides, thank goodness some may say, as some of you were quite queasy on the rides so far, even the Ferris Wheel induced vertigo.

The Space Car was still being assembled so I am not sure other than whizzing around at the speed of light, defying gravity sending the occupants into space.

This is the traditional Whizzer.
A true vomit inducer. When my girls were small they wanted Dad to go with them to make sure they were safe. A big mistake, boy did I feel queasy after but did enjoy the slow start and slow down stop. It was the up, down and spinning around that did me in, luckily my Dagwood Dog stayed in 😂.

The ever popular Dodgems all lined up ready to go. I am sure the bloke welding the floor was glad they weren’t operating. Who loves Dodgems? Who has had a slight whiplash or bumps and bruises?

Say goodbye, The Carnival is Over, another Australian classic

Your choice (it’s going round)

XingfuMamas Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge 2024: Week 22

More show rides for you to enjoy

Hop in, seat belt on, hold on tight, you might end up going upside down

Stand up, strapped in and away we go……fast. Behind the white ball are two young women alternating between laughing and screaming. The bloke with his back to the photo just stood there.

The fast car or dragon (your choice)

XingfuMama’s Pull up a Seat photo Challenge: Week 21

The next post in the show ride series. I have looked at the ones I have so I might start posting more than one at a time.
The eyes watching was bit disturbing and the car ride looked a bit bumpy

They set up the ride, had a few dry runs and then an employee and a kid were the crash test dummies on the Dragon Wagon.

C’mon (it’ll be fun)

Words of Wisdom: Y24 #4

The Show was just in town

“Are you in the habit of taking tea with anyone who approaches you in a foreign port?” He went on and snorted carelessly. “No wonder you were abducted so easily.”
― V.S. Carnes

There’s a bit of the Urban Spaceman in us all

This one (or wait for the swan)

XingfuMama’s Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge 2024: Week 16

The Show is on in town. I was in early so a lot of the rides weren’t going yet which made getting a few seat photos easy. I won’t swamp you promise.

Yeah, Jump in my Car