Last on the Card – 31 May

Last Photo for May

Your last photo doesn’t have to be on the very last day of the month if you didn’t take any photos on that day. Maybe it was earlier in the month when the last photo was taken.

So let’s see what you have for end of May

The rules are simple:
1. Post the last photo on your SD card or last photo on your phone for the 31st May or whenever your last photo was taken.
2. No editing – who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like or the subject matter didn’t cooperate.
3. You don’t have to have any explanations, just the photo will do
4. Create a Pingback to this post or link in the comments
5. Use the tags The Last Photo and #LastOnTheCard

Here’s mine. Last months photos were another mixed bag.

From my Samsung Galaxy S23FE

From my Canon PowerShot SX70HS

From my Canon EOS 1300D

89 thoughts on “Last on the Card – 31 May

  1. We have an Eastern Yellow Robin that frequents our garden and likes to tap on the glass door in our bedroom. One day I’ll work out how to make it stop waking us up.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I adore that sweet little wallaby – does it chase it’s momma in the fields of grass like our little fawns do here in WI? What kind of flower is that – it’s fascinating. And the little yellow bird? What is it’s name? It looks a bit like our American Gold Finches. I’m glad I remembered to join in on the Last on the Card fun for May! Thank you for hosting. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no. Wallabies are more refined than that but do hang close to Mum when smaller, no need to run when you have a warm pouch to hide in when Mum decides to skedaddle. That is an eastern Yellow Robin and a Grevillea flower.
      Glad you remembered this month Shelley 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww…that’s right, a warm pouch to hide in is a better option. The deer here leave their little ones in gardens, brush, and under trees while they go off and eat. The little tikes just nap until their mom returns.
        Thank you for sharing the names – I love learning from you!
        Me too – thanks again for hosting! 🥰

        Liked by 1 person

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