Used my loaf (did well)

CMMC May: Pick a Topic From My Photo

Well wasn’t this fortuitous. Cee’s photo of magnetic words, I have the same ones on my fridge, included was the word loaf.
Two nights ago, or last night for most of you, I baked bread. It turned out so well I had to take some photos to share with friends.
The reason it turned out well was I was having failures. I tried a few remedies but nothing seemed to work. I worked out I was not using enough flour and yeast plus water was a bit out. Out with the scales and measured instead of my that’ll do measuring. Adding an extra half a teaspoon of yeast as well. I can’t remember when was the last time I looked at baking instructions.

The bread board was made by my eldest daughter, the bread knife I remember since forever. It might have even been my parents wedding present, loaf of bread by me.

My favourite is a warm slice of bread with butter and honey.

It is only fitting – Make It With You by Bread 🤗

24 thoughts on “Used my loaf (did well)

  1. Your bread looks delicious – I can smell it from here. It’s even more special slicing it on that bread board with a knife that has memories. I remember that song … I did like Bread back in the day.

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  2. I can smell that bread. I looks so yummy! I love fresh baked, warm bread. It’s been awhile since I’ve made any. I think it might be time, before the weather gets way too hot.

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  3. Yum. I too have started making bread again. But my bread has got better as I have learnt to add more water than I used to, and have a quite loose, sticky dough before the first proving. The more I make, the less I measure. We’ll have to have a bread-and-honey coffee morning, Brian!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’m hopeless at following recipes so no wonder I’m not a great cook. I do have some cookery books in a cupboard but they tend to stay there. I like watching Jamie but instantly forget the ‘how to’. Nice bread, though, and I love the song.

    Liked by 2 people

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