Getting stacked (makes room)

RDP: Tetris

Dr K explained that
“My daughter talks about “kitchen tetris” when visiting.
“What is kitchen tetris?” I ask.
“The way people stack the dishes and how crowded the cupboards are,” she says.
Some people have other sorts of tetris. You have book tetris too.”

Kitchen tetris – it’s all about plates and tins for me

28 thoughts on “Getting stacked (makes room)

      1. Nope, because you use some herbs and spices more than others. You’re still more organized than me … between walking, blogging and taking lots of photos and oh ya -work, I am not the organized person I once was. I am going to work on that character flaw in 2024!

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    1. I used to do when all I had was a motor bike. I only had a 250cc bike with saddle bags. I went camping at the beach one year. When I was packing up to go I had an audience as no one could believe I had all my stuff and packed away onto my bike. The big stuff – tent, sleeping bag and stove went on the seat behind me. A good cheer sent me on my way 😁

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