Small grey and yellow

IJ’s Bird of the Week Invitation XXII

Yes, that’s what Eastern Yellow Robins are; small, grey and yellow but I must
also add cute. As the name suggests they live on the east coast of Australia.

They are always on the alert for any insect or grub that moves in the garden,
but prefer spiders, then it’s a quick flash down and up to the branch to eat dinner.

The yellow is quite stunning. Having a yellow flash through the garden lets me
know there’s an Eastern Yellow Robin around

The grey feathers are great as well with the tufts of yellow poking through here
and there. Their call is rather repetitive so I also know when one is around.
I tested this sound bit so I hope it works for everyone

One of the Eastern Yellow Robins favourite places to land is on the side of trees

Eastern Yellow Robins also look cute when they are wet

They are good parents and make very comfortable nests for the three clutches of
eggs they have in most years. The female builds the nest and incubates the eggs.
The young are raised by both parents and sometimes nearby robins will help out.

Eastern Yellow Robins are quite friendly and like living around people. They enjoy
gardens as they always have food in there somewhere and if they are lucky, a bird
bath or somewhere to at least get a drink.

Eastern Yellow Robins are one of my all time favourite birds

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