What has happened since October in the shade house

In October, as a part of Becky Kinda Squares, I wrote about propagating Begonias from leaf cuttings. I have been meaning to do a follow-up for a while now.

Here are the results so far. Some leaves have bigger shoots. These are ready to be lifted from the tray and potted up. All the bright green dots to the left and rear are new growth from the leaves. The only one to be slow to start is the one front left. The leaf of this variety is a bit hairier than others but the leaf hasn’t rotted away so anything may happen soon. The leaves at the far back, Emerald Ripples Peperomi, have almost gone but shoots are appearing still.

Things are going quite well for this leaf with two established leaves and two bursting forth.

Also for Cee’s FOTD

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