Traces of the Past – Pottery

Black and White Sunday from Paula at Lost in Translation: Traces of the Past.

Lately I have posted a bit of me for Traces of the Past. This post follows that trend.
I was wondering what to do while standing in the kitchen doing the washing up. On the window sill there were a couple of things that needed a bit of a wash. That’s when the idea struck, why not do the pieces of pottery that are on the window and around the house.

These pieces of pottery were done by my daughters in the after school pottery classes in their Mothers potters shop around 20 years ago. They were primary school age, less than 12 years old, when these pieces were made. All the photos of the works are on a chopping board made by my eldest daughter in woodwork at high school, which you can see is still used today. Actually it was today. I prepared my lunch using the chopping board!

A lovely small bowl for Mothers Day
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A horse in a yard with a tree.
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Who wouldn’t want a shoe with laces and a nice bow
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Mum at the pottery wheel.
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A wonderful orange boat.
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My girls had pet rats so no wonder they were the inspiration for this pottery rat. Such an adorable face.
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Another view of the rat.
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I think this turtle is just lovely.
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The first small bowl in this post with a bit of colour.
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The turtle in colour
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Who couldn’t love that face
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20 thoughts on “Traces of the Past – Pottery

  1. These are so wonderful! Your posts have not been showing up in my reader… perhaps because of the time difference, or the “day” difference- I am not seeing them when I get to WordPress!

    Liked by 1 person

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