Things I like (art deco)

Ludwigs Monday Window

Toowoomba, a city in SE Queensland with a rich heritage and people intent on preserving it. Firstly some of the older buildings whose window have seen a lot since the 1850’s. It’s a pity some of the windows have been updated but not that many are noticeable, if they have been replaced.

The Court House

The old Police Station I think

It’s a pity I couldn’t get the lower shop front windows. Next time get in early and put out traffic cones. Here’s a bit of trivia. In Australia we call them Witches Hats

I was amazed that the buildings colour changed from another angle

There weren’t many windows with triangles above them

This one has a mix over the windows that need love

Arch shape had a good run. I like the detail and blue

I find this elegant, maybe it the moustache. I wonder what the original windows looked like

I think these had had a few repairs by different builders. More arches

Aren’t these windows great. The narrow one in the middle is the stairway

But for sheer show stopping the White Horse Building is the place

The startled look with a blend of Inca and Islam or Indian. A classic Art Deco

The only bay windows I found, probably more from the 50’s

I’ve saved ugly for last. I wonder if a good clean would be an improvement

34 thoughts on “Things I like (art deco)

    1. Toowoomba has great architecture. It is good that there is a heritage group to ensure all will be maintained. Not like my city where anything old has been torn down and replaced was brick and aluminium or the upper facade retained but the lower shops concrete, glass and flouro lights 🙄

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      1. We have many towns and cities where they tore out the old under the banner of “Urban Renewal” Our town still hasn’t replaced half of what they tore down in the 60s, and what they have put up is awful.

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  1. These are fabulous Brian, with the possible exception of the last one! It’s good to preserve some of that history, especially when it’s as impressive as this.

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  2. I agree that last building could use some sandblasting to perk it up a bit. Those are some great Art Deco-style buildings Brian. I like the idea of “Witches Hats” for cones. Our construction areas are using cones more and more, or they have tall, skinny cones. People always run over them, obliterating them, especially the barrel-type cones, so now gone are the orange-and-white barrels. In April, people would quip “roll out the barrels, we’ll have a barrel of fun – not” … like the song “Beer Barrel Polka” and its lyrics.

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