Going Upstairs #3

Ludwigs Monday Window 31 July 2023

Yes the quest continues. I had a bit of time one day during the week to cruise the streets on the lookout for dormer windows. I went into an older part of town but to no avail but just on the outskirts I spied a house in a dead-end street. I should have known it was there, as sometimes I go to the bench on the river bank to eat lunch or have a coffee. On occasion there are good bird photo opportunities.

Anyway, here is the latest dormer found in Grafton

18 thoughts on “Going Upstairs #3

    1. I am determined to find a few more dormers. I wonder why the US doesn’t have many houses with verandahs? I have seen a few on restoration programs but they are just a porch at the front. Verandahs all the way around the house keeps the house cool in hot weather and a good dry place when it rains. I have a clothes line on one verandah and drying the washing is easy 🙂
      A bloke was going door to door looking for work. At one rather well off looking place, house the woman said “sure, you can paint the porch. You’ll find bright green paint in the garage. I have to pop out for a while and I’ll pay you when I get back.”
      When she got back home, the porch hadn’t seen a lick of paint and the bloke was sitting in the garden having a smoke. She wanted to know what was going on. The bloke said he had done the job as she asked.
      “What?? she exploded, “you were supposed to paint the porch!”
      The bloke said “I did do the painting job and anyway you don’t have a Porsche, you have a Mercedes Sport.”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. In the South there are a lot more houses with verandahs. Where we are, it’s not going to keep anything cooler. Here the thing to have would be adobe walls, although that tends to be more in New Mexico and probably not so much these days. I love drying clothes outside but in many places now you’re not allowed to hang clothes outside. Crazy, I know, but the way it is. Where we are, you can hang laundry out as long as no one can see it. Since in our area everyone has a wall around the back yard, it’s a bit easier. I have a small foldable rack that I use and right now, I think I could just put it out and bring it back in immediately with everything dry. 🙂 I exaggerate but not by much.

        Love your joke. It’s funny at first and then you think, “Oh, man, that would be terrible!”

        Liked by 2 people

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