Breakfast in the garden

Denzil’s Nature Photo Challenge: Patterns

This is what happened one day a while ago. Has been a thought for a post for a while. Finding Denzils challenge of patterns in nature, these photos fit the bill. Well there’s only a small amount of variation but I hope you’ll enjoy having breakfast with a female Satin Bowerbird and later, a Blue-faced Honeyeater comes along.

“Oh wow, I just love these Grevillea flowers for breakfast even if I have to get on tip-toes”

“You just have to get those early morning drops of sweetness”

“If I can get right in, there are new drops of nectar just waiting for me”

“A few more licks here and then I’m done”

“But I really should look under here and have a good check, just in case”

“Better make sure there’s nothing left on the top either”

“Hey! That looks really sweet and juicy over there. Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all. You can have the flowers on that side of the tree”

“I’ll stay over here and show off my patterns to everyone, one last time”

47 thoughts on “Breakfast in the garden

  1. Nice to meet you Brian and thanks for joining my nature photo challenge. This is an excellent series, I never was aware that birds drink the nectar from plants, and seemingly without destroying the flower at all! Looking forward to catching more of your blog posts and photos.

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