What’s going on

You may have noticed a lack of participation on my blog for the last few days. On Sunday my satellite feed stopped due to a major power outage.

I have been checking comments as the scheduled posts have gone out via my tablet which is difficult as the signal isn’t that good out here in the bush.

My end of the month posts probably won’t be very prompt and will be in October at this stage as I will be away on the weekend as well.

78 thoughts on “What’s going on

    1. Sure is. I am glad I could set up bill payments and schedule some blog posts. Using the tablet isn’t the best. I hope it will be a good weekend too thanks Alison


  1. Yesterday I read that SKY is planning to phase out satellite dishes in favour of streaming. That’s all well and good if your Internet has a great signal otherwise we’re snookered! Hope all returns to normal very soon. 🙂

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  2. Hi Brian. I am in awe of the fact that you need a satellite feed. Hope you are back doing your usual things soon. I gave myself a ‘Last on the card’ reminder and once again was surprised at how surprised I was that it had come round again.

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    1. Thanks Maria. I hope it is working by the time I get home. Yes living sort of in a remote area there are some challenges. Happy you thought of Last on the Card 😀

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  3. I’m going to start Last on the Card for you, if you don’t mind…I am so excited to share my photo! 😂 I will make sure I link it back to you and say that I am only filling in this one time.

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  4. Brian, I hope you don’t mind that I started “Last on the Card” for you this time. We were lucky enough not to have internet issues after the hurricane so I sort of took it upon myself. You can private message me never to do this again if you want. This is one of my most favorite posts all month and when I saw you were having issues….

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  5. Hope this gets sorted out soon Brian. I know that some remote islands in the UK are served by radio links for their telecoms, which works well for 95% of the time – but when raindrops of a certain size fall, the connection is lost or degraded (a bit like Radar and Chaff).

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    1. When there is heavy rain I loose my satellite feed even if the rain is between me and where the satellite is stationed. This was a power failure at the providers end as my daughter is off the same satellite and didn’t have any problemes

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  6. I haven’t been on here for a few days and then didn’t see you in my feed and was getting panicked- literally- that something happened and I missed it and oh you know me I just run with an idea in my head but then whew, I saw this post and knew you were ok but for the lack of service. Hope everything else is ok!!

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    1. This is where we are similar Lisa. I know exactly how you feel. I decided that I had to do a post when things weren’t resolved after a few days for those who may get a bit on edge.
      Thank you for being the sweet person you are Lisa 🤗❤

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  7. Power outages are so annoying. We are in the midst of Load Shedding in South Africa and put up with outages for over 2 to 4 hours, three times a day. Those of us who can afford it have inverters or generators which cost quite a bit extra just so we can stay connected. We still have to pay the ‘availability’ fee for non-existent electricity! But we are grateful for small mercies. Many cannot afford alternate methods and their small businesses suffer greatly because of it.
    I hope you don’t have to wait too long to get your power back.

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    1. Oh it wasn’t too bad Becky. At least I had programmed all my bill payments for the end of the month.
      I had plenty of time to sort a lot of folders, chipping away at the mountain still xx

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        1. I did feel bad that I had to not reply to your email but shall have to do so tomorrow. I am a bit worn out after a day in the garden and dealing with internet technicians – eternally waiting on the phone etc.
          Sometimes being organised does pay off 😁


        2. oh don’t feel bad, had a suspicion you were juggling lots and now I know why. Not surprised you are worn out – physical effort and mental frustrations. What a day. Hope you sleep well, and looking forward to catching up soon xxx

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