This Is My Post

Ragtag Daily Prompt Sunday: War

Reblogged from a while ago as I detest violence but I wanted to have something that can perhaps take your mind of this worlds crap

bushboys world

This is a tale of a fence post, a Spangled Drongo and a Noisy Friarbird  –  as told by the Spangled Drongo.

What started out as a normal day, you know, a bit of flying about, some singing with my mates and looking for insects and other snacks around the place.
I always drop onto this fence post nearly every day. It’s a great perch to see if any insects or bugs are moving about in the garden or on the grass.

As you can see, This is My Post.
spangled drongo_my post1_named_home_oct 2018
A mate was flying past and he said “Hey, can I come for a visit to your post”spangled drongo_my post2_named_home_oct 2018
Sure, but I don’t really like anyone sitting up here on my post.spangled drongo_my post3_named_home_oct 2018

Oh, that’s OK. I’ll just hang on this side if that’s alright with you.
spangled drongo_my post4_named_home_oct 2018

And then, out of the blue, this big ugly bloke decides to sit on MY…

View original post 156 more words

11 thoughts on “This Is My Post

    1. I agree Susan. Try not to rage inside and the prompts should be better thought out but I guess I am a million miles away and only have torrential rain and floods to think about


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