Square Trees #20 – The Bottle Tree

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge July: Square Tree

The Bottle Tree, Brachychiton rupestris, commonly known as the narrow-leaved bottle tree or Queensland bottle tree, is a tree in the family Malvaceae native to Queensland. The shape is swelling due to the water held in its trunk.

Your tree song for today

In Grafton, my nearest town, is an avenue of Bottle Trees in Robinson St

Some are quite round

The bark and texture is amazing

Some have very different shapes

and some are always looking at you

A Bottle Tree is just the right tree to post for sharing a bottle or two celebrating a birthday don’t you think?

45 thoughts on “Square Trees #20 – The Bottle Tree

        1. phew, glad I did pick it up!!

          and definitely not needy to celebrate, so few things at the moment to celebrate I think we should all have two Birthdays like the Queen and Paddington!

          Liked by 1 person

        2. That sounds good. An actual birth date and one that you would like to have. I share my birthday with two of my best mates. I wrote a post years ago called coincidences I think. Maybe it’s still there. Search on my phone isn’t too flash x

          Liked by 1 person

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