Sorry…..sleepy…..can’t – hold – head – up

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge: #SquareUp
Debbie’s Six Word Saturday

A bit of something different today for the second last #SquareUp for January. Hands up if you are up for something that you may not see everyday. I don’t but do see occasionally. Who has thought “I know what the photo is” already. Those who know me well will have guessed for sure.

This is such a great song. Try not to tap your feet at the start especially the long version. If you are, have a chair dance with me……..

or if you have time

I found this sleepy bloke in one of the Koala feed trees planted in front of my besties place by the previous owner.

33 thoughts on “Sorry…..sleepy…..can’t – hold – head – up

    1. Was quite nonplussed at being woken by me walking about near his tree. Opened his eyes, saw “that bloke with the camera again” and went back to sleep 😀 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  1. So sleepy – too cute. I’m getting sleepy and my husband is trying to sleep after the cats had their midnight to two am play session. So with that, Bushboy, I’m going back to bed, but I’ll have to come back for the music.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s just too cute and a really nice photo, too, zoomed in all close and cuddly like. Wonder what the response would have been if you’d cranked up the music for him?

    Liked by 1 person

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