Creepy images or are they?

Debbie’s One Word Sunday: Creepy

There is a bit of swearing in the selected song FYI

Just a few images from the archives. Creepy enough for you?

A Bottle Tree is after you

A shop window from Vienna

Someone in my shed?

A ghost on the water

A ghost ship sails onward

Who or what has appeared in the feature image?

Also for the Ragtag Daily Prompt Saturday: Strange

28 thoughts on “Creepy images or are they?

    1. Thanks for the alternate version Graham. It’s a bit too Frank Sinatra for me though. I think the shop was a women’s dress shop. I still don’t know what the blue light was….just a ghost passing through the hundred year old farmhouse?

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      1. Richard Cheese is basically a lounge orchestra covering rock and rap and all kinds of stuff. I have to say I like it quite a bit. As for the mysterious blue light, I thought it was another lamp in the room, but perhaps a wee reflection from the main light?

        Liked by 2 people

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