Last photo for June 2020

Last Photo for June 2020

Thanks for the support for this photo challenge. Fifty-six likes and twenty-four contributions!! It is growing and it was good to see last months lot of great last photos.

The rules are simple:
1. Post the last photo on your SD card or last photo on your phone for the 30th June.
2. No editing – who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like or the subject matter didn’t cooperate.
3. You don’t have to have any explanations, just the photo will do
4. Create a Pingback to this post or link in the comments
5. Tag “The Last Photo”

Here’s mine from my phone

and from my camera

Do join in and show us what you’ve got.

108 thoughts on “Last photo for June 2020

  1. This is a challenge from you, right? I wonder why I haven’t seen it before – I seem to remember seeing something on another blog but thought the challenge came from elsewhere!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Sue. It was my idea from a while ago now. Perhaps it may be elsewhere as well. It is a good idea so why would I be the only person to think of it in this world 🙂

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      1. It is more likely that I saw someone’s response but didn’t notice where the challenge originated.

        The other day I saw someone had a Friday Challenge called Weekly Prompt! Not only that but the challenge had an almost identical picture/logo, including the same font and colour as the homepage on Weekly Prompts that I created! Talk about the cheek of it, there’s no way that was a coincidence. I’ve since changed my colours slightly.
        I came away, stewed on it for a while and then decided to confront her, but I couldn’t remember the site name! 😀

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        1. That is a bit of an affront Sue. I’ve not seen it but if I do I’ll let you know. Maybe you saw mine as I have been doing the last photo for a while now 🙂


        2. Yes that’s true, and I probably didn’t pick up that you were also setting the challenge.
          Oh, thank you for keeping an eye out. On the one hand, I don’t like confrontation but on the other, it’s almost a copyright issue. Then I have to figure out what to say to her! Thank you, Brian 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s the point Jo. To let go of the precious and show what you have despite the quality. It is for the brave to let the world see that you are human and not a slave to the perfection that the world demands. Go on be a part of my fun please Jo xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, sweetheart! I’m so sorry. I’m really not in the mood to play. I don’t intend to post again till I’ve sorted myself out. Both the blog, the technology and me. I’m happy just to follow at present. Forgive me? 😕💕

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        1. Of course my Jo 🙂 Find the reset button and push hard. I’ll always be here if you need a chat or anything. You know the email to write to if you need anything Jo. (((hugs))) on the way xx


      1. how cool is that, my little one has a birthday on 11 July 😀 I can responsibly say anyone born in July is just the most gentle kind soul 🙂 when is your birthday, Brian? 🙂
        and my pleasure joining in really, happy to have found your blog 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, I saw your comment on Tracys blog and so glad to have you taking part. Thanks That photo was me being “arty” with the shadows on the wall. The one before the last was much better lol

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    1. I was much the same as I went out to find a plant that I wanted to photo. A king Parrot was in the garden and that would have been the last except for the setting sun coming through the kitchen window throwing shadows on the wall. Thanks for joining in Elke 🙂

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  2. Great challenge. I don’t know when I’ve last posted two in one day…been quite a while. Anyway, enjoy taking part. I created a pingback, I hope it will show up…if not…I’ll be back and post it in the comments. Fun challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The long stem is called a spear and has small white flower along the spear. The brown part is the old flowers. Birds and insects love visiting the flowers 🙂


    1. So glad you like my try at being arty. One of those see the photo and have to try and capture the image in my mind. The one before is more in focus 😀

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