32 thoughts on “Here they come

    1. Oh yes they are Graham. It hurts like hell. I had to be on the lookout for the scouts and hunters who were already outside of the nest and would come back to defend. Also had to not get too close as they can jump too

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      1. Sounds nasty. We have little fire ants that have recently got established in the area. They reputedly have a nasty bite too, but so far I haven’t encountered any.

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  1. It must be the age of the ants…I’ve been swamped with them and my ankles covered in red bites alerted me a week or so ago. I’m sorry to say when they gravitated into the kitchen the ant powder came out and I don’t mean in a powder puff! well actually it was puffed- on them.These macro shots make them even more undesirable- how horrifying if they were any larger. Wildlife must stay in the wild or they are subject to my house rules!

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      1. Did a bit of travelling; you know, kitchen to lounge for snacks, and back again 🤣. Even ventured into the garden when it wasn’t raining. Watched one of our favourite films, The Road to Wellville; featuring John Cusack, Anthony Hopkins & many others (highly recommend it).

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      1. Excellent 🙂

        PS love how things have different names in different places. We never use the term ‘gumboot’ here. Good old wellies for us!

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