Negotiations at the bird bath

The Daily Word Prompt from Sheryl: Negotiation

Quite often
they come
you see
to splash
or drink
or just be.
Some find
a reason
some go
the bird bath
boss sometimes
a Spangled Drongo.
Sitting waiting
a dip
now and then
a Spangled Drongo
negotiation skills
says who when.
They look
they wonder
some stay
in they go
to splash
and play.
But only
if allowed
by a Spangled Drongo
who lets
them bathe
then off you go.
Please may I have a bath implored the Little Wattlebirdspangled drongo_wattlebird_bird bath_named_binna burra_march 2016
Well then Noisy Miner you will have to decide….in or off you gospangled drongo_noisy miner01_birdbath_binna burra_march 2013
Did he dive or was he pushed?spangled drongo_wattlebird_binna burra_march 2013
Hurry up dear, we haven’t got all dayspangled drongos__bird bath_named_binna burra_march 2016

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